Category: Media
Lesson 4.1 Tae Kwon Do Home Training
Training drills you can practice at home.
Lesson 4.0 Tae Kwon Do Home Training
How to get started and motivated to train at home.
Lesson 3.0 Street Smart Self Defense
Two out of three people will be assaulted sometime in their lifetime. Everyone needs to know self-defense and street smarts. Learn some basics and sign up for a classes. The more you practice these techniques the more it goes into your muscle memory.
Lesson 2.0 Building on TKD Basics
As you learn advanced techniques keep in mind the basic stances, postures and reaction force as to learn control of your techniques.
Lesson 1.1 TKD Basic Hand Techniques and Blocks
Perfect the basics of stances, blocks, kicks and hand techniques.
Lesson 1.0 Tae Kwon Do Basic Stances Punches Kicks
The foundation of Tae Kwon Do is learning the basics.
Won-Hyo Meaning: The monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in 686 A.D. 28 Movements
Il-Gok Meaning: The philosopher and scholar Yi I who was nicknamed Confucious of Korea. The 38 movements represent his birthplace on the 38th latitude of Korea.
Joong-Gun Meaning: Patriot Ahn Joong-Gun, who assassinated the 1st Japanese Governor General of Korea. There are 32 movements, which represent Ahn’s age when he was executed at Lui-Shung Prison in 1910.